Friday, June 26, 2015

2- League of Legends (LOL)

The league of legends (LOL) it is a multiplayer game by Riot games. LOL is free play just like other games we play. It need a internet to play this game because it is a online game only. This game has no Local area network (LAN) because it has no LAN it cannot be played offline. The game was played by 5 players per team and also you can invite your friends that is online to play with you so that you know who is your teammates. Their is a match making or  PVP if your playing it the game will find your enemy players to build a 5v5 game.
 Just like DOTA, LOL has 3 lanes the top lane,middle lane, and bottom lane and their is also a farm or a jungle. The top lane is where the tank champions are fighting or some player use attack damage (AD) champions. The top laners in tournament uses tank champion because their the one who will started a clash. Tank has a highest armor and a magic resist for ability power (AP) champion and they have a highest heath. They also hard to kill because of the items they use in the game. The middle lane is the center the map and it is where the ability power (AP) champions used. The center of the map is usually having a clash because some teams always attacking the mid laner of opposite team. The mid laner is the common carrying the game because of its ability power (AP). Ability power (AP) is used by the champions that always uses skills that a melee fighting. In bottom lane is the attack damage carry (ADC) in here in the Philippines we call it attack damage range (ADR) because this champions is range type and there the one is hitting from the back. ADR or ADC has a low health and easy to kill. There support is always protecting the ADR and it help the adr to get a kill so that it is easy to buy a item.

The most famous LOL player is Faker of SKT T1. Faker is a professional mid laner and he is famous in using zed, leblanc, yasuo, orianna, and ahri. He is the one of the highest paid player in LOL because some of the companies in South Korea paid him for playing LOL. For me SKT T1 is the best team in LEAGUE OF LEGENDS tournaments because if there styles in playing and they have a awesome team play to win the tournament. The SKT T1 has a 6 members Marin (top laner), Bengi and Tom (Jungle), Easyhoon and Faker (mid laner), Bang (ADC). Wolf(support). They are all in challenger division it is the highest division in LOL.

Image result for divisions in LOLI played LOL because it is fun to play and you can also get a friends in different area of the county while playing it. Some players said that LOL is a copied from DOTA because it just like it. LOL is easy to identify what your going to build for that champion and it is easy to play for me because I played is more than a year than playing DOTA. LOL and DOTA are very different from one another because it has a different graphics at some other things. Some of my friends playing LOL and were going to build a rank team so that we will going to have a higher division.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

1- Gamers

The gamers are the people who like games and something active stuff. aUsually the gamers always play in computer or any gadgets like smartphones, laptop etc. Some gamers are addict to game and they forget to study they just like to play and play all day. Gamers are easily found anywhere and every people in this world know how to play a game. Some people play the one is trending like Clash of Clans (COC) . Games are part of the children right now because playing can develop a skills and easy to get a friends. Some schools used to play any games to develop their student's skills and they can easily learn what their lessons are.

The games can be played know matter what your age is as long as you love it. Games are not only for teenagers or for those who are young. Games can develop your strategy's skills and your knowledge ( COC it is a strategy game and you need to know what is the best defence form to defend your clan). The people who join any tournaments is the one who is pro in that particular game. Not all pro gamers compits in tournaments sometimes they like to play in a normal way to enjoy their game and they don't need any rewards or prizes. The games are fun to play because of the different genre like actions, adventures, etc.

Their are many types of gamer: Hardcore gamer, Pro gamer, Newbie, etc. The hardcore gamer usually plays with the latest console and some high-end PC's. I think they use it because they want a more modified console like razer mouse, etc. Hardcore gamers are also competitive just like the other gamer to test their skill in playing in that game. The pro gamer is the player that joins any competitions it just like a hardcore gamer. Some people like Faker in SKT T1 a group that plays League of Legends (LOL) he was payed by large companies just only to play and join in competitions and he is a professional player of LOL. The newbie is the person or people is newly played that particular game and they was a beginner. I am a gamer too and I love to play any games I want. I play when I have a long break or some time when I don't have class. We have a group when I was in highschool named GAMERS all of the members loved to play and some of  us loved anime. Were all playing online, offline, and also sports. We all have different favorite sports and games. Some of my friends are watching animes and they are searching if it has a game for example: Sword Art Online it has a game for PSP. All of us always play games but we don't forget our studies because playing is just a entertainment.