Thursday, April 21, 2016

Caged Bird

Speech choirs are performance groups that recite speeches in unison, often with elements of choreography and costuming to help bring the speech to life.

Every English term of our school, the Public Speaking subject there's always a Speech Choir Competition. Just like the Chant and Cheers it also test your teamwork as a block or section. Every Speech Choir they will give you a poem piece that you need to make a choreography and how you will deliver it excellently. All the blocks that join the speech choir will fight for the champion for that Speech Choir Competition. The poem they gave titled THE CAGED BIRD by Maya Angelou. I would like to share a one paragraph in the poem.

The Caged Bird:

The caged bird sings   
with a fearful trill   
of things unknown   
but longed for still   
and his tune is heard   
on the distant hill   
for the caged bird   

sings of freedom. 

This is our group, combine of two blocks the ABMA 153 and ABMA 155 plus the other irregular students like me. This group was amazing because they made the steps two days before the competition and after the short day of practicing of step they made up amazing performance. While their practicing they having a lot of fun to work as one team and one sound. Their performance was really great also the voices that they add to impress the judges because there is no using of any instrument to make sounds just only there voices. 
Even though they don't won the competition, the more important is they enjoy their wonderful performance. The block that won the competition is from the course of Engineering. I would like to congratulate the blocks who compete the Speech Choir Competition that giving their time to practice and work hard just to perform. Especially to the Engineering students 

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