What is treasure?

Don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing wrong with being rich, having expensive cars or rings with diamonds as big as a golf ball. There’s nothing wrong with being called the “greatest of all time” or being a doctor, lawyer or being an engineer. If you would ask me, I would like to have those things or be called the greatest. These weren’t given to serve like a curse to people but as a blessing.
Treasuring material things and recognition isn’t a bad thing. The bad thing is that we tend to forget the giver because we hold on too much to the so called “treasure” in our lives. We tend to worship money and titles instead of worshiping the giver of all things.
I really like the phrase Bro. Velden of The Feast SM Bicutan shared. “Solo Dios Basta” which means, God alone is enough. God alone is enough, both in the times of abundance and trials. Even without material things, you’ll live as long as you have God. Money is just a piece of paper made by man to give value to material things. Our life cannot be bought with money. It is priceless, but God gave us life. God alone is more than enough. With God, we can have a life of abundance not just in earth, but also in heaven.Let God be your ultimate treasure. Nothing will be more precious than Him and His love for us.
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