Friday, July 24, 2015


What is one thing that you can not live without?

A lot of people love to eat and just like me to I love to eat even if I have a allergy to other food like shrimp. All of the people cannot live without food if they don't eat they will die in hunger. It eating the food especially the street food make sure that is clean because some people die in food poisoning. Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. In food you can get many vitamins needed of you body.

I always spend my money in buying foods because I always get hungry and the good news I'm not getting fat. I ate a lot of food every meal, eating is always I do in my free time or break time. My parents said to me that don't buy foods in the streets because it was dirty. I don"t usually eat vegetables, some of the vegetables I don't like the taste. I eat vegetable if theirs a meat combine. Processed food is easy to cook some people they always buy it in the groceries. Less than 20 minutes your food is ready. The bad effects in always eating a processed food is making you fat and easily get sick. If your buying a food always check the expiration date and the nutrition facts. The people who don't eat a balance diet some of them get obese.Simply consuming more food than your body needs is the primary cause of weight gain, but eating too many foods that are high in fat and sugar content is also a contributing factor. Your body requires a certain amount of sugar to function, but excess sugar -- referred to as glucose in its basic form in the body -- gets stored as fat. Excess fat, a common issue with fast food, not only causes you to gain weight, but it can strain your body, leading to disease.

The nutritionist always saying that eating vegetable is good for your health and have a proper diet. For some people losing weight, don't forget to eat regularly. Many of us like sweet, sour, etc. and we have different likes and dislike of the taste of food.

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