Friday, July 24, 2015

7- Always trust His heart

 Do you trust his heart.?

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 

“God is so wise to be mistaken, God is so good to be unkind. So when you don’t understand, when you don’t see His plan, when you can’t trace His hand, TRUST HIS HEART”

This song at the previous feast session really inspired me. I got the so-called “last song syndrome” and I even shared it to my family and friends as I went home. I felt like there’s a fire burning within my soul as I hear every word of it. It seems like they were made for me.

I said at the back of my mind that night, “Yes, the Lord is so wise to be mistaken”. Though I may feel unworthy at times, He assures me that I am in the right path. He believes in me on every step that I take. He confirms that I belong to His chosen ones. And though I may be experiencing trials and difficulties, He is never unkind. He lets me get through in each of that so I may recognize both my weaknesses and strengths. In that way, I may remain faithful.

I would always have questions (just like what we had in our last series), but only God knows the true answer to them. Surely, there are things that I don’t (or never) understand. Things I am uncertain of keeping or letting go. Things I never thought of happening to me. But as another song goes “His Grace is enough”. He always gives what I need at the time I needed it the most. All I have to do is to be firm in my faith.

God has the best plan for me and that is why I can always trust His heart. A heart that accepted me as I am. A heart that believes in me now. A heart that will always love me unconditionally.

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