Friday, July 24, 2015

5- I thank GOD

Who is the person you would like to thank?

God is good all the time. God is the reason why we are living right now. God he is the creator of the universe and he is also the one who create us. He is on our side where ever we go and he will never and ever leave us in any situation.  He sacrifice his one and only son Jesus Christ to save us on our sins. Jesus of Nazareth, is the central figure of Christianity, whom the teachings of most Christian denomination hold to be the Son of God.

I would like to thank God because he is the one who gave me my life, family, friends. I'm a kingdom kid in our church and I've learn many things about the bible. If I don't know God right now maybe I'm a bad person today. I would like to thank also in our church for teaching me how important to be faithful and to be giving. God is always there for me if sometime I blame him in my problems and asking him "why are you doing this to me?". And he always forgive me in my sins and he is always reminding me to have faith to him. God uses many people to spread his words to know the other people how good God is. There some people don't believe is God because in their different cases in life.I know that if they hear the message of the bible, I believe that it will change their beliefs.

Message of God can change every peoples hearts. God is my hero and savior I will offer to him the best and I will not gave him a weak offering. I would like to give him what is the best because God is every important to me. Being faithful to him is not hard to do.

The Movie God's not dead is a awesome movie. It teaches that:
  • God's not Dead
  • Make sure that your friends pulling you up, not down
  • Reaching out to people is a necessity

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